Market Optimization Analysis
Prioritize and Optimize Markets for Brick-and-Mortar Locations
Get a DemoPrioritize and Optimize Markets for Brick-and-Mortar Locations
Get a DemoQuantify your company’s location growth potential
Optimizer – Buxton’s market optimization analysis – tells you exactly how many locations each market can support so you know your company’s total runway. Guide strategic planning and cite credible third-party analysis in investor briefings.
Zero in on recommended areas
We don’t just tell you how many locations you can have; we also tell you where to put those locations for optimal results. See recommended areas on a map to guide the hunt for real estate.
Explore scenarios to see how recommendations change
Your brand may be taking an aggressive approach to growth today, but what if market conditions prompt a shift to a more conservative strategy? With multiple Optimizer scenarios, you can toggle between different thresholds to see instantly how the roadmap shifts.
Know your optimal territory configuration
Whether you’re a services-based company looking to expand in new markets or a franchised business wanting to expand your network, how do you identify which markets present the best opportunities and the number of territories each market can support? Buxton’s territory optimization analysis can help you define the ideal territory layout to efficiently deploy your services or support franchise growth in each of your current and planned markets.
Explore hotspots for healthcare services
Healthcare clients who subscribe to our healthcare industry models can choose to leverage our pre-defined healthcare industry hotspots. See hotspots of opportunity for specific healthcare service lines and facility types in any U.S. market.
Market optimization analyses are powered by Buxton’s unique blend of data, analytics, and AI backed by our 30 years of analytics expertise. Harness our intelligence to answer your most important marketing and location questions.
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