Derive Powerful Customer Insights with Buxton’s Customer Analytics

Buxton's customer insights serve as the foundation of our marketing intelligence and location intelligence solutions. By leveraging advanced segmentation and predictive analytics, these insights drive more effective marketing strategies, increase operational efficiencies, and help inform real estate decisions – benefits that can help multiple industries, including retail, healthcare, restaurant, hospitality, and private equity. 

Building Blocks of Customer Insights

Customer segmentation and predictive analytics are essential components of customer insights. By profiling customers and forecasting future behaviors, businesses can tailor their strategies to meet specific preferences, enhance engagement, and drive growth. These methodologies empower companies to make informed, data-driven decisions that optimize customer experiences and improve overall performance.

Customer Segmentation

Once you’ve collected the necessary datapoints on each of your customers, customer segmentation can help you to find the meaningful patterns. Effective segmentation is crucial for creating tailored messages and offers that resonate with specific audiences. It is also crucial for identifying geographies with high concentrations of the right types of consumers for your business. 

Buxton offers detailed insights that reveal each segment's unique characteristics, affinities, lifestyles, and marketing preferences, leading to more effective personalization. By understanding these nuances, brands can deliver targeted communications that drive customer engagement and loyalty. This precise alignment of marketing efforts with customer needs and preferences ensures that every interaction is meaningful and impactful, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and retention. 

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics, which are used to forecast future behaviors and trends, often leverage basic customer insights to provide more complex predictions.  Buxton incorporates customer analytics into two primary types of predictive models: marketing models and site scoring models. 

With Buxton's marketing models, brands can identify lookalike customers who align with their ideal customer personas and pinpoint those who should be spending more, thereby refining their marketing strategies. This targeted approach not only enhances campaign profitability but also ensures marketing efforts are directed towards the most promising customers. 

Buxton's predictive models for site scoring provide valuable guidance for market planning, boosting confidence in site selection decisions and helping to avoid costly mistakes. By leveraging predictive analytics, brands can optimize their real estate investments. Since these models are designed to score locations, rather than customers, they don’t provide customer insights directly but use customer insights as an important factor in the score. 

Customer Insights to Transform Your Location and Marketing Strategy 

Customer insights have the potential to revolutionize both location and marketing strategies, providing a comprehensive view that drives strategic planning and execution. Here are some common ways that Buxton clients use customer insights. 

Site Selection

Opening a store in the wrong location can be a costly mistake, and knowing where to open new locations is challenging without accurate data on where your customers are. Buxton’s site selection analysis tools mitigate these risks by leveraging customer insights into who your best customers are and where more of your best customers live, helping you identify home run locations that maximize profitability and minimize risks.

Location Optimization

Understanding the performance of your existing locations is essential for maximizing operational efficiency and profitability. By leveraging customer insights as a component in a site score model, you can identify each location’s true performance potential and receive guidance on improving them through operational changes or targeted marketing efforts. Buxton’s insights help determine which locations to enhance, close, or relocate, ensuring that your business optimally utilizes its resources and maximizes its potential.

Customer Acquisition

Finding new customers and effectively reaching them is a critical aspect of business growth. Buxton’s marketing intelligence identifies prospects who closely resemble your brand’s best customers and tells you their preferred marketing channels. This targeted approach enables you to expand your customer base with the right type of consumers in the right channels, thereby increasing acquisition efficiency and effectiveness. 

Customer Retention

Retaining customers and increasing their lifetime value requires a deep understanding of their lifestyle and preferences. With these insights, strategies for upselling and fostering customer loyalty become more precise and effective. Buxton’s marketing intelligence not only pinpoints which customers have the highest potential to spend more but also identifies their preferred marketing channels. This comprehensive approach enhances customer engagement, ensuring that retention efforts are both targeted and impactful. By leveraging Buxton's customer insights, businesses can build stronger relationships and maximize the value of their existing customer base.

Campaign Optimization

Maximizing ROI from marketing campaigns demands continuous refinement based on data-driven insights. Customer insights enable the ongoing optimization of your campaigns by revealing preferences to inform your messaging and strategy. This targeted approach ensures that your marketing efforts consistently yield the best possible results, driving higher engagement and better returns.

Key Sectors Leveraging Customer Insights Analytics 

Customer insights analytics are crucial across various sectors, providing businesses with the data-driven knowledge needed to navigate complex challenges and optimize performance. Buxton's comprehensive solutions empower businesses in retail, healthcare, restaurants, private equity, and hospitality to make informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, and achieve their strategic goals. 


The retail industry faces challenges such as shifting consumer preferences, intense competition, and the need for precise targeting. Buxton’s customer insights help brands understand who their best customers are, enhancing both marketing and real estate strategies. These insights enable retailers to improve targeted marketing, enhance personalization, identify optimal markets and locations, and assess the value and opportunity within their current real estate portfolio. Ultimately, Buxton's solutions support retailers in acquiring more customers and increasing sales and revenue. 


As patient expectations shift towards personalized care and convenience, the healthcare industry must evolve to meet these demands. Buxton's customer insights help healthcare organizations understand their patients as consumers, identify optimal markets and locations for growth, and assess the value and service line opportunities within their existing real estate portfolio. Equipped with these insights, healthcare teams can make informed decisions to enhance access strategies and grow market share, adapting to the retailization of healthcare and delivering improved patient experiences.

Private Equity 

During the critical due diligence period preceding an acquisition, private equity firms need a rapid and accurate view of a target firm's growth potential. Buxton's solutions provide unbiased, third-party insights into the new unit opportunities for target firms in retail, restaurant, consumer services, hospitality, and retail health industries. These insights validate a firm's potential, guiding more accurate valuations and negotiations, assisting in securing financing, and maximizing investment returns. Buxton's customer insights equip private equity firms with the data needed to make informed investment decisions quickly and confidently.


The hospitality industry grapples with understanding guest preferences, travel behaviors, and accommodation choices. Buxton's customer insights help unravel these complexities, providing valuable information about how guests engage with brands. In a rapidly evolving landscape, Buxton's solutions enable hospitality businesses to personalize marketing, improve hotel site selections, and attract more visitors. By leveraging these insights, hospitality providers can position their brands for success. 


The restaurant industry faces numerous pain points, including site selection, understanding diverse customer segments, and optimizing underperforming locations. Customer insights help restaurants address these challenges by identifying where to open new locations, prioritizing territories for franchise sales, and understanding how customers differ by time of day and service type. Buxton's solutions enable restaurants to optimize their marketing strategies and personalize their offerings, driving customer engagement and improving overall performance. By leveraging Buxton's insights, restaurants can make data-driven decisions to enhance their operations and growth.

Ready to Transform Your Marketing and Business Strategy? 

Experience the power of Buxton's customer insights. Schedule a demo to see how we can help you transform your business strategy with unparalleled insights.

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