Build Business Insights on a Foundation of Customer Data Analytics

Making sense of your customer data and acting on it is a challenge every brand faces. But it doesn’t have to be a challenge with customer data analytics.  

The power of customer data analytics lies not just in the data collection, but in its application. When harnessed correctly, it can reveal who your ideal customers are, how best to reach them, where to find more like them, and their value to your brand. With the right analytics strategy, businesses can transform their operations and improve profitability. And with Buxton, brands are one step closer to the right analytics strategy. 

At the foundation of Buxton’s analytics is Buxton Intelligence: a proprietary blend of data, analytics, and AI. Buxton Intelligence empowers companies to act on their first-party data, delivering actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making. Through our robust datasets and advanced analytics, you gain deep insights into the preferences of your customer base, enabling more targeted and effective customer acquisition and retention strategies. Our business intelligence also identifies optimal locations for new stores by analyzing concentrations of your best customers, ensuring that your expansion efforts are both strategic and profitable. 

Our approach focuses on three critical insights: understanding what your ideal customer looks like, determining the best channels to reach them, and evaluating their loyalty and value to your brand. Whether you’re a marketer focusing on customer experience or a real estate professional optimizing their location network, leveraging customer intelligence is essential for growth. 

Unmatched Depth = Unmatched Reporting 

At Buxton, our customer analytics tools offer unparalleled depth, enabling businesses to achieve unmatched insights and reporting. With access to hundreds of databases, Buxton provides the most granular view of your market, right down to the household level. We cover 115 million households, analyzing up to 8 individuals per household across 7,500 data elements, and offer extensive datasets, including demographics and psychographics, that paint a comprehensive picture of your customers. This level of detail ensures that your customer segmentation strategies are precise, allowing for highly targeted marketing and operational decisions. 

Buxton Intelligence empowers you to make informed business decisions with confidence, ensuring your strategies are backed by the most comprehensive data available. 

Defining the Ideal Target 

Using Buxton’s advanced customer data analyses and SaaS products, businesses can pinpoint their ideal customer personas with precision. Our data analytics allow you to segment and target customers by region, DMA, and individual location, ensuring that your marketing efforts are aligned with the actual characteristics and lifestyles of your customers. This level of insight is crucial for creating personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

By understanding who your customers are and where they are concentrated, you can tailor your messaging to match their behavior and preferences. This alignment between your marketing strategy and customer targets not only maximizes the impact of your budget but also ensures a higher return on investment.  

Knowing who your customers are also shapes real estate decisions. With Buxton’s location intelligence, businesses can strategically establish or optimize their brick-and-mortar presence, capitalizing on areas with high concentrations of their ideal customers. 

Reaching Them Where They Are 

With Buxton Intelligence, businesses can effectively reach their ideal customers through their preferred marketing channels, significantly boosting conversion rates. By leveraging detailed location intelligence and customer profiles, you can tailor your channel mix by persona, geographic area, or even specific retail location. This ensures that your marketing efforts are both precise and impactful, maximizing the return on your investment. 

Investing in the right marketing channels for each target group not only extends your budget but also saves time by eliminating guesswork from the decision-making process. Whether it's digital, direct mail, or in-store promotions, knowing where your customers are and how they prefer to be engaged is key to driving success. 

In addition, location intelligence helps brands reach potential customers by selecting prime sites for new brick-and-mortar locations, ensuring that each store is positioned for success. By understanding customer preferences, their geographic distribution, and how far they are willing to drive, you can choose locations that are poised to be home runs, aligning perfectly with your broader marketing strategy. 

Ultimately, Buxton’s tools provide the insights needed to connect with your customers, pick the right locations, and optimize your operations. 

Assessing Customer Loyalty  

Buxton’s data analytics can provide insights into customer loyalty by identifying which customer personas are also shopping with your competition. By understanding these patterns, businesses can uncover customer churn risks and proactively defend against competitors. This approach is crucial for maintaining customer retention and minimizing customer acquisition costs. 

By analyzing customer behavior and purchase history, Buxton helps you identify at-risk segments that may be drifting toward competitors. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your strategies to re-engage these customers, reducing churn rates and maximizing customer lifetime value. Targeted campaigns aimed at winning back customers who frequently shop elsewhere can significantly improve your bottom line. 

In today’s competitive market, retaining loyal customers is as important as acquiring new customers. Buxton provides the insights needed to take swift action and protect your market share. 


#1: What data sources does Buxton leverage? 

Buxton utilizes a vast array of data sources, including demographics, psychographics, behavioral data from over hundreds of databases. We analyze customer behavior across 115 million households and millions of businesses to deliver insights that drive success for your marketing and location intelligence needs. 

#2: How often is this data updated? 

The update cadence for our data depends on our data vendors. Some vendors provide annual updates, while others offer monthly or quarterly updates. No matter the frequency, Buxton ensures that you always have access to the most up-to-date data, allowing you to adapt your strategies in response to changing customer behavior and market trends. 

#3: Can Buxton provide solutions if I do not have any customer data? 

Absolutely. Even if you lack existing customer data, Buxton’s customer analytics can generate insights by leveraging external data sources, such as foot traffic. This allows us to report on your observed customer profiles, create theoretical models, and identify opportunities for growth, ensuring your business can still benefit from data-driven decisions, even without providing first-party data. 

#4: How is Buxton different from the competition? 

Buxton distinguishes itself through the power of Buxton Intelligence, a proprietary blend of data, advanced analytics, and AI that delivers unmatched insights and solutions for businesses. Our large in-house team of analysts and developers continuously refines and enhances our product offerings, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of innovation in customer data analytics. This team, combined with our Buxton Intelligence, allows us to provide highly tailored and scalable solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. 

Security is also a top priority at Buxton. We are proud to hold SOC II and HITRUST attestations, demonstrating our commitment to the highest standards of data security and privacy. These standards ensure that our clients’ data is protected by rigorous controls and that our processes are designed to minimize risk. 

Moreover, our dedication to customer support sets us apart. From the initial consultation to ongoing analysis and support, our team is available to guide you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance with interpreting data, adjusting your strategy, or scaling your operations, Buxton is there to provide expert guidance and support. 

In summary, Buxton's combination of proprietary technology, robust security, dedicated support, and a highly skilled team enables us to deliver superior solutions that drive business success, making us a trusted partner in customer data analytics


Buxton's data analytics services offer a range of features designed to enhance business strategies and outcomes, including: 

Customer Segmentation 
Buxton’s customer segmentation solutions provide a detailed understanding of your target audience. By analyzing your data combined with Buxton’s data, we create detailed customer profiles and personas that enable you to tailor your marketing efforts and product offerings to meet the needs of your ideal customers. This targeted approach increases customer engagement and drives business growth. 

Propensity Scoring 
Our propensity scoring models predict the likelihood of customers to engage with your brand, make a purchase, or convert on a specific offer. By using advanced analytics and machine learning, Buxton helps you prioritize high-potential customers, optimize your marketing strategies, and improve your return on investment. This data-driven approach ensures that your resources are focused where they will have the most impact. 

Site Selection Analysis (Predictive Modeling) for Market Planning 
Buxton’s site selection analysis, which often involves predictive site score modeling, help you strategically plan for growth and expansion. By leveraging historical data, advanced algorithms, and comprehensive market insights, Buxton enables businesses to forecast sales potential, optimize site selection, and enhance decision-making processes. 

Our approach evaluates key factors such as customer density, competitive landscape, and overall market potential, ensuring that each new site is strategically positioned for success. This proactive and data-driven method reduces the risks associated with expansion, giving you a competitive edge and maximizing your investment. With Buxton, you can confidently plan for growth and adapt to market changes with precision and insight. 

Location Optimization Analysis
Optimize your location network with Buxton’s location optimization analysis, designed to align your brand's presence with your customer personas and business goals. As part of this analysis, we evaluate the performance of your existing locations, identifying opportunities to enhance customer reach and maximize profitability. This portfolio audit helps pinpoint underperforming locations, guiding decisions on site closures, relocations, or reinvestments. The portfolio audit, combined with a deep understanding of your customer personas, ensures your location strategy is tailored to meet your customers’ needs, allowing your network to operate at its full potential.  

Market Mapping and Reporting 
Buxton’s geographic market mapping and reporting tools provide a visual representation of your market’s potential. By mapping out customer demographics, competitive locations, and friendly cotenants, we help you identify opportunities for growth and optimize your market presence. These insights are crucial for making strategic decisions about market expansion and resource allocation. 

Market Optimization Analysis 
Maximize your market’s potential with Buxton’s market optimization analysis. We assess market dynamics, customer demand, and competitive factors to identify the most lucrative opportunities for growth. This service enables you to allocate resources effectively, focus on high-potential markets, and ensure your expansion efforts are strategically sound. 

Industries benefiting from Buxton’s customer data analytics include: 

Retailers use Buxton’s analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences, informing both marketing strategies and real estate decisions. This helps optimize store locations, inform market expansion, and personalize marketing efforts, driving increased sales and customer satisfaction. 

Buxton’s solutions reveal areas with high concentrations of potential customers for each restaurant brand. These insights enhance territory planning for franchise expansion and fine-tune marketing and location strategies, leading to more profitable and targeted operations. 

Healthcare providers use Buxton’s data to understand their patients at a granular level and healthcare demand. This information is crucial for determining which services to offer at each facility and where to open new facilities, ensuring accessibility and profitability. 

Public Sector 
Public sector entities use Buxton’s analytics to better understand visitors, supporting effective tourism strategies and retail recruitment. By developing visitor profiles and analyzing travel patterns, these entities can attract and retain businesses and tourists, boosting local economies. 

Ready to leverage Buxton’s data analytics for your business? Get a demo and discover how Buxton can help you transform customer data into actionable business insights.