Mastering an Access Strategy to Prepare for Healthcare’s Future

Success in the healthcare industry of the future will be all about access — offering convenient points of entry to grow your relationship with consumers over time. Sometimes the point of entry will be a traditional hospital setting. Sometimes it will be a system or partner-owned outpatient clinic. And sometimes it will be virtual care.

These multiple access points present a challenge for healthcare providers who are used to managing limited channels. In this recording of a webinar hosted by Becker's Hospital Review, Buxton's healthcare experts talk about the challenge, the parallels with the retail industry's "omnichannel" evolution, and the role that analytics can play in developing a holistic access strategy.

  • Define the purpose and major components of an access strategy
  • Identify best practices for a holistic access strategy by examining the retail industry’s evolution
  • Learn the role that consumer analytics can play in guiding the strategic planning process


  • Bill Stinneford, Senior Vice President, Buxton
  • Nikki Viner, Vice President, Buxton
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