Optimize Marketing Strategies

Patient Acquisition and Retention

Grow your patient base by targeting the right households with the right message and the right marketing vehicle.

How do I best acquire new patients and retain existing patients?  

If you want to grow your patient base efficiently and effectively, Buxton can help. Our patient acquisition and retention solution helps you understand who your patients are as consumers so you can find where more potential patients like them are located. Utilize those insights to market to the most valuable potential patients with the right message and right marketing vehicle.

Deploy targeted marketing the right way. 

Stop marketing to thousands of consumers who are not good prospects simply to reach the ones who are. Reduce waste by using a targeted approach and channel the savings into other marketing initiatives that allow you to efficiently and effectively grow your active patient base.

Use similar insights to understand which patients are at risk of churning, and then develop marketing and communication strategies to keep them engaged.

Buxton's customer analytics are the secret weapon behind today's top brands.

Get started with Buxton today.

Designed with Your Team in Mind

Analytics created for you.

How We Do It

| We develop a marketing model to define your campaign audience. 

Our solution begins by providing a custom marketing model that can be used to either identify your best prospect households or to prioritize current patients for outreach. Once we’ve defined your target audience, you can license direct mail contact lists or allow us to deploy digital campaigns to those consumers on your behalf for truly targeted marketing outreach.

Solution Enhancements

| Define custom personas. 

Want to enhance your marketing insights further to align your team? Dive deeper into the nuances of your target patient groups through a custom segmentation analysis. 

| Visualize marketing metrics.

If you want to better communicate your organization’s marketing activity and results, we offer custom visual analytics dashboards.

What does the patient acquisition and retention solution do for you?

Get the right answers. Make great decisions. Drive results.


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