Marketing Campaign Execution Services

Support your marketing efforts through highly targeted campaigns.   

When used in combination with Buxton’s custom marketing models, Buxton’s marketing campaign execution solutions allow organizations to improve the efficiency of marketing campaigns through highly targeted outreach. Buxton offers three primary types of campaign execution services:

  • Direct mail: license the names and addresses of highly ranked households for either single use or multi-use in your direct mail marketing efforts
  • Email: license the email addresses of highly ranked prospects, or allow Buxton to deploy the email campaign on your behalf
  • Banner ads and social media ads: reach the right consumers with banner ads and social media ads on their smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers through campaigns deployed by Buxton
Output & Utilization

Depending on the execution option selected, Buxton will either provide you with the names and mailing addresses/email addresses you have licensed or will execute your digital marketing campaign based on the prospect list identified with your custom marketing model. Digital campaigns (email and banner ads) include a report at the conclusion of the campaign summarizing key performance indicators such as impressions/opens, clicks, and click-through rates.

Data Requirements

You provide data such as: geography to be included in the marketing campaign; desired number of households to target in the campaign; and if applicable the desired number of banner ad impressions per prospect, number of email deployments, length of digital campaign, and digital marketing creative assets

Buxton provides: counts of households in desired geography who can be included in the campaign; applicable contact information such as names and mailing addresses, email addresses, or IP address/device ID matching for banner ad campaigns


For the best results, Buxton recommends using a custom marketing model to define the list of households to be targeted through our marketing campaign execution solutions. 

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